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Youth 2 Workforce Program

60 hr
100 US dollars
Porcupine Drive|410 Denali St|Wesleyan Drive

Service Description

The Youth 2 Workforce Project is designed to assist participants with employable soft skills and certifications to help boost their employability. Each participant will rotate between 3 employers to complete 100 work hours. The participants will learn employable skills from each employer for 2 weeks. The Participant Support staff will monitor the participants during each job rotation. Participants will be paid by GAP for their work hours at a rate of $13.50 per hour. At the end of each rotation the Employers will provide an evaluation form for each participant and become a reference for the participant. Participants will have 30 hours of workforce instruction to include resume creation, mock interviews, cover letters, problem solving in the workplace, CPR Certification, Food Handlers Certification, AK Host/Customer Service/ Tourism Certification and Entrepreneurship. Participants will also be assisted with applications for employment and have the opportunity to speak with potential employers within the community that are hiring during our in-house job fair. There will also be in-house activities such as Culinary Arts, Graphics, and Photography etc. Upon completion of the instructional component the participants will receive a lump sum payment . Completion requirements are as follows: 1. Obtain 2 certifications. 2. Complete resume to include 3 references. 3. Attend job fair. 4. Submit 3 employment applications. 5. Attend 1 in house skill building activity The Youth 2 Workforce Project will work with a max of 15 participants that range in the ages of 14 - 21. Each week the participants will start their day with workforce training to build their employable soft skills then spend the remaining hours working with an employer. After 2 weeks with the employer the participants will rotate to a new employer to learn new skills to assist in helping build their resumes. The participants will rotate between 3 employers in a 6-week period to allow for an abundance of employable skills. At the end of the 4th week GAP staff will focus on gainful employment opportunities with participants to include: 1. Application Assistance 2. Mock Interviews 3. Job Search 4. GAP Job Fair The outcome of this program is to provide participants with the skills and assistance needed to obtain and maintain employment. After 6 weeks the participants should have gained employable skills, 2 certifications, 3 professional references, and obtained or be in the process of obtainin

Contact Details

  • 3001 Porcupine Drive, Anchorage, AK, USA


  • 410 Denali St, Anchorage, AK 99501, USA

    +907 891-2958

  • 5040 Wesleyan Drive, Anchorage, AK, USA


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